Extrapypi configuration

All settings present here can be override with your own configuration file using the EXTRAPYPI_CONFIG env variable.

If the env variable is not set, default settings will be used.

This file is a pure python file, that’s mean that you can also include python code in here, for example for packages location


For security reasons you should at least change the secret key


If you use anything else than sqlite, you must install correct database drivers like psycopg2 or pymysql for example. Since we use SQLAlchemy you can use any compliant database, but we only test sqlite, mysql and postgresql


You can also override all settings of flask extensions used by extra-pypi even if there are not here

For quickstart you can generate a sample configuration file using start command like this

extrapypi start --filename myconfig.cfg

Generated file will have the following content

# Database connexion string
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "sqlite:///extrapypi.db"

# Update this secret key for production !
SECRET_KEY = "changeit"

# Storage settings
# You need to update at least packages_root setting
    'packages_root': "/path/to/my/packages"

Configuration options

NAME Description
BASE_DIR Base directory, by default used by SQLALCHEMY_URI and PACKAGES_ROOT
SQLALCHEMY_URI SQLAlchemy connexion string
DEBUG Enable debug mode
STATIC_URL Url for static files
SECRET_KEY Secret key used for the application, you must update this
STORAGE Storage class name to use
STORAGE_PARAMS Storage class parameters, see specific storages documentation for more details
DASHBOARD You can disable dashboard if you set it to FALSE
LOGGING_CONFIG Logger configuration, using standard python dict config

Defaut logging config look like this

  'version': 1,
  'root': {
      'level': 'NOTSET',
      'handlers': ['default'],
  'formatters': {
      'verbose': {
          'format': '[%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s / %(name)s] %(message)s',
  'handlers': {
      'default': {
          'level': 'INFO',
          'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
          'formatter': 'verbose',
  'loggers': {
      'extrapypi': {
          'handlers': ['default'],
          'level': 'WARNING',
          'propagate': False,
      'alembic.runtime.migration': {
          'handlers': ['default'],
          'level': 'INFO',
          'propagate': False