
Using pip

Recommanded way to install extrapypi is to use the latest version hosted on PyPI :

pip install extrapypi

Installing via git

Extrapypi is hosted at, you can install it like this

git clone
cd extrapypi
python install

Or, for development

pip install -e .

Starting and init extrapypi

Once installed, you will need to create a configuration file and create database, tables and users. But don’t worry, we provide commands in CLI tools to do that.

First thing we need : generate a configuration file

extrapypi start --filename

This will generate a minimal configuration file, full documentation on configuration is avaible in the configuration section.

Once configuration done, you can create database, tables and default users using init command

EXTRAPYPI_CONFIG=/path/to/myconfig.cfg extrapypi init

It will create two users :

  • User admin, with password admin and role admin
  • User pip with password pip and role installer

After that you can start extrapypi using run command

EXTRAPYPI_CONFIG=/path/to/myconfig.cfg extrapypi run


You will need proper database drivers if you want to use anything else than sqlite. See for more informations about avaible dialects